Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fun in the Sun!!!

Greetings to our friends near and far!!

Here in South Florida the temps are slowly reaching the approximate temperature on the surface of the sun.

That being said, taking great care in the sun is the best way to keep yourself looking youthful by not damaging your skin.  And even more so, protecting yourself from the worst side effects of sun exposure...

Sun safety is important no matter what climate you live in and especially important for those with fair skin.  Also, if you have light eyes, the harmful rays of the sun can impact your peepers as well.  

Being safe doesn't mean you have to wrap yourself in a blanket for the duration of the summer.  You can still be fashionable without falling victim to a scorching sunburn.

Here are our favorite ways to accessorize in the summer...

1) Hats...

Hats work double time in protecting you from the sun.  The oft forgotten part in your hair gets solid protection from a hat and depending on the size of the brim, you can also protect your face, neck, and shoulders.

Here's a great video for some summer hat ideas!!

2) Sunglasses...

As we mentioned before, sunglasses are essential in protecting your eyes.  Not to mention they are ridiculously fashionable.  A great pair of sunglasses can offer UVA/UVB protection and look great.  Here's a little something you may not think of...squinting in the sun is a great way to expedite aging around your eyes by creating crows feet and fine wear your shades!

3) SPF 5,000...

Seriously.  SPF 8 isn't going to do much for you.  So amp up the SPF!!  We love sunblock in a spray can.  It's amazing especially for those that spend time in the sun solo.  Spray cans make it easier to reach those hard to reach places.  A small side note...the can won't last as long as the lotion form and use it in a well ventilated does not smell like roses and we doubt it's good for your lungs.

These are our top 3 choices for sun protection this summer.  For serious concerns about sun protection, always seek the advice of a medical professional.


Elsa and the Bling Bling Accessories team

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