Wednesday, May 29, 2013

50 Shades of Scarves...

Warmth, sweat, cleanliness, fashion accessory, whatever you wear one for, they've been a staple in societies the world over for centuries.

And they're making a comeback!!! 

We love scarves!!!  They come in all shapes, sizes, patterns, materials, and functions.

Knitted scarf, headscarf, bandana, kerchief, ascot, stole, cravat, and the list goes on...

In honor of scarves, we wanted to hook you up with a great site that we tip our hats off to.

Over 50 ways to tie a scarf?!?!  Best.Day.Ever

As the seasons change, so can your scarves.  The lightweight scarf is ideal for the warmer months and here is one of our favorite Spring 2013 ways to rock a scarf...

Happy Scarfing!

Elsa and the Bling Bling Accessories team

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Handbags, Handbags Everywhere!

These wonderful and versatile fashion objects go with us everywhere!  But have you ever really thought about that beautiful piece of work that carries your entire life and then some?

Here’s a list of fun facts about the oh so reliable handbag!

1.) 1 in 10 women are willing to spend $150 or more on a handbag.
2.) The highest price a luxury handbag sold for on eBay…$24,500 for the Hermes Birkin. (In case you’re interested…

3.) If women could purge on one luxury item, 22% said it would be a handbag.  Only 9% said shoes.

4.) The average woman’s handbag weighs 3 pounds.

5.) Marc Jacobs has named 21 various handbags after models including Christy Turlington and Karolina Kurkova.

6.) The average woman owns 6 handbags.

7.) The average woman spent $42 on her last handbag purchase.

8.) Three of every four women have a favorite handbag.

And now for the little more outrageous…

- Louis Vuitton burns their unsold bags?!  The insanity!

- Your handbags harbor more germs than a toilet!  Check out this story for some more details and what you can do to keep yourself healthy.

Peace, Love, and Handbags,

Elsa and the Bling Bling Accessories Team

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fun in the Sun!!!

Greetings to our friends near and far!!

Here in South Florida the temps are slowly reaching the approximate temperature on the surface of the sun.

That being said, taking great care in the sun is the best way to keep yourself looking youthful by not damaging your skin.  And even more so, protecting yourself from the worst side effects of sun exposure...

Sun safety is important no matter what climate you live in and especially important for those with fair skin.  Also, if you have light eyes, the harmful rays of the sun can impact your peepers as well.  

Being safe doesn't mean you have to wrap yourself in a blanket for the duration of the summer.  You can still be fashionable without falling victim to a scorching sunburn.

Here are our favorite ways to accessorize in the summer...

1) Hats...

Hats work double time in protecting you from the sun.  The oft forgotten part in your hair gets solid protection from a hat and depending on the size of the brim, you can also protect your face, neck, and shoulders.

Here's a great video for some summer hat ideas!!

2) Sunglasses...

As we mentioned before, sunglasses are essential in protecting your eyes.  Not to mention they are ridiculously fashionable.  A great pair of sunglasses can offer UVA/UVB protection and look great.  Here's a little something you may not think of...squinting in the sun is a great way to expedite aging around your eyes by creating crows feet and fine wear your shades!

3) SPF 5,000...

Seriously.  SPF 8 isn't going to do much for you.  So amp up the SPF!!  We love sunblock in a spray can.  It's amazing especially for those that spend time in the sun solo.  Spray cans make it easier to reach those hard to reach places.  A small side note...the can won't last as long as the lotion form and use it in a well ventilated does not smell like roses and we doubt it's good for your lungs.

These are our top 3 choices for sun protection this summer.  For serious concerns about sun protection, always seek the advice of a medical professional.


Elsa and the Bling Bling Accessories team

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our favorite trend articles for Spring 2013!!!

The hottest trends this season give women a multitude of choices.  Check out our favorite articles about Spring 2013 and what to look forward to...


Why we like this article?  Because you can cut to the chase.  Find the trend that sounds like your style and read on.  You don't have to click through dozens of photos of looks that don't interest you.


Why we like this article?  Simply's about accessories!!!


Why we like this article?  It shows the versatility of the season's most impressive earrings.  What's better?  Variations of these items can be picked up in a local mall or boutique store for a few dollars.  Don't can be fashionable for a fraction of the price.


Why we like this article?  Accessorizing doesn't have to be about shoes, bags, and jewelry.  There are some great and simple ideas to accessorize your look from a bottle.


Why we like this article?  No shoes, no shirt, no service.  Shoes are a necessity and being wise about your shoe choices allows you to wear them in conjunction with a variety of outfits.

Happy Spring!!

Elsa and the Bling Bling Accessories team

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sequins, Pearls and Art Deco...oh my!!

These things can only mean one thing…

The Great Gatsby hits theatres in a few days!  The buzz and excitement around this year’s highly anticipated classic novel on the silver screen has caused a resurgence of the era’s quintessential fashion trends. 
Fashion and jewelry of the time can be summarized in a few basic terms – it sparkles, it shines, and there was plenty of it (think Coco Chanel and 1920s Tiffany & Co.).

The Art Deco movement played a significant role in changing the shape of jewelry and accessory design during this time.  Geometric patterns and symmetry adorn bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooches, headpieces and a plethora of other accessories.  Jewelry consisted of basic square, circle, and triangle shapes.  Diamonds and pearls were staples of 1920s era jewelry but the traditional standards began to morph as the decade roared on.   

Innovations in modern travel also drove the direction of jewelry during the time. The ability to travel far and away made the exotic more tangible.  Along with the geometric inspiration, Egyptian influences played right into the symmetry of Art Deco.  The utilization of popular Egyptian symbols displayed global influences of the time.  Bright colors such as blue, red, and green, stones that had never before been seen, and themes and motifs found across the world made their way into 1920s jewelry. 

The evolution of plastic production changed jewelry forever allowing everyone to have access to stylish new accessories.  Products could be mass produced in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.  Jewelry was now available for every need and for every person.

Necklaces were long, chandelier earrings were a favorite, and the more gold bangles the better.  The 1920s opened the door for jewelry, not only as an accessory, but as a statement.