Wednesday, May 29, 2013

50 Shades of Scarves...

Warmth, sweat, cleanliness, fashion accessory, whatever you wear one for, they've been a staple in societies the world over for centuries.

And they're making a comeback!!! 

We love scarves!!!  They come in all shapes, sizes, patterns, materials, and functions.

Knitted scarf, headscarf, bandana, kerchief, ascot, stole, cravat, and the list goes on...

In honor of scarves, we wanted to hook you up with a great site that we tip our hats off to.

Over 50 ways to tie a scarf?!?!  Best.Day.Ever

As the seasons change, so can your scarves.  The lightweight scarf is ideal for the warmer months and here is one of our favorite Spring 2013 ways to rock a scarf...

Happy Scarfing!

Elsa and the Bling Bling Accessories team

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